It should be hard to believe that so many on the left in my country would want me and all those I know who are still pure bloods to stay confined to home forever or be thrown in prison, but it isn’t. My country has lost its ever loving mind and I’m doubtful we will ever get it back. My only hope is Christ saving this LITERALLY God forsaken country and the only way He will is if we repent. And honestly I do not see that happening.

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I share your concerns Priscilla. Here in Australia we are following you, though we're fortunate not to have a land border with another country. However, our goverment (left wing) is intent on bringing people in who don't share our values.

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Hi Ely,

I lived in Sydney, Australia while building out the first phase of Optus Communications' national network. Beautiful country, and great people. I was sad to see what transpired there (and elsewhere) during Covid.

In 2021, I was involved with a group of doctors and nurses at an Atlanta-based research hospital that is closely affiliated with the CDC. This group was valiantly trying to stop the CDC from approving these jabs, especially for children. It was all to no avail. No amount of facts and figures made a difference. And thesea doctors' VAERS reports were being stripped from the system as fast they they could submit them.

I later learned that in the U.S. the C19 jabs and related protocols were rolled out under wartime policy using the 1950's era Defense Production Act, making everyone in the supply chain - including docs, nurses and hospitals - immune from prosecution as long they followed protocols. This, more than anything, explains the widespread disregard for human rights in the face of such a mild biological threat.

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Thanks for your input Bill. I live an hour south of Perth, West Australia. What I found out during the height of the pandemic hysteria, when we were locked down, was that under the emergency powers portion of the WA Health Act, the authorities could actually forcibly vaccinate you, including disrobing you if necessary, with the help of the police.

I had a high regard for Australia when I came here in 1980—no longer.

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A quote from a doctor in Vaxxed II, "The aim is to force everybody to be vaccinated. And the primary reason for that is to get rid of the unvaccinated control group so that nobody can see how healthy unvaccinated children are in comparison with vaccinated children."

How sinister is that!

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