My wife and I were talking about the vaccines that we received as children. We could only remember three or four. This was back in the 1950s. Of course, today, the number on the childhood vaccination schedule is in the many dozens. I researched vaccines, what they contained, and the idea of putting toxic substances such as aluminum into the bodies of children I decided was a no-no. I also remembered the Swine Flu vaccine fiasco of 1976 when a vaccine was rushed out, only quickly being taken off the market because of 35 deaths and multiple cases of Guillian-Barre Syndrome.
So when the COVID-19 vaccine' was pushed on humanity, I predicted a horror show because I had seen the damage to young children in my own patients from the MMR vaccines from the '90s onwards. Few listened; I was told I was being foolish for not taking the Covid-19 shots.
As early as November 2021, 10 months after the rollout of the COVID-19 shots, there was already a great deal of evidence for the harm they were causing. As I stated in my November 3, 2021 post,
"In the U.S. for October, the incidence of Covid cases and deaths in 2021 is 70% higher than in October 2020, despite no "vaccine" in 2020. Why?"
"Why are the "vaccines" being pushed on children when the shots are creating a myocarditis epidemic?"
So those of us who were against these shots were right; the whole medical establishment was wrong and continues to be incorrect. The only saving grace is that fewer people are getting the shots because so many deaths and injuries have occurred. But don't worry; the medical juggernaut has plans for more mRNA shots for many infections.
If you had a child crossing at a school crosswalk, and that child was hit by a car and killed, you would charge the driver with either reckless driving or manslaughter. He might receive a suspended sentence and get his license back after six months. Perhaps there may have been extenuating circumstances.
What if the same driver repeatedly hit children crossing at the same crosswalk? There would no longer be any doubt that this was done by intent and the motivation was outright murder. If the driver denied that he was murdering children, then he would be put away in prison or permanently incarcerated in a mental institution.
When it comes to what we have with the COVID-19 shots, it is an agent of death and injury, like that motor vehicle at the children's crosswalk. Why has there been no action taken against the purveyors of this deadly injection? The excuse that the benefits outweigh the risks––which is wrong––is no reason to absolve Pfizer, Moderna, and others knowingly, injecting a toxic product into humanity.
We have taken defective products off the market many times. We have deemed certain cots or mattresses as dangerous to babies, yet here we are promoting mRNA injections into babies. It is more than illogical; it is murderous.
The other day, my wife and I decided to watch the documentary Vaxxed 2, which we had yet to see despite having seen the original Vaxxed. Polly Tommey, the director of programming for Children's Health Defense, produced this film. She herself had a vaccine-injured son.
Tommy produced Vaxxed 2, and she describes how to get the message out for Vaxxed. She bought an RV and inscribed Vaxxed on the side of the vehicle, hoping to interview people on the road. The number of people who came to them to be interviewed with their vaccine-injured children as they traveled around was overwhelming. It's a film that shows the tragedy that has befallen so many families. It also portrays the difference in health between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Be sure to have a box of tissues nearby when you watch this film. Click on the image to view the movie.
Most of the injuries mentioned in the film relate to the MMR vaccine, but also to Gardasil given to girls supposedly to prevent cervical cancer. These are damaging injections.
The thing that should make people furious is that government officials all over the world are facilitating murder. They do so by promoting these shots, including the most notorious of all, the COVID-19 injections. There is no other way to describe it. They gaslight rather than look hard and investigate what so many people have experienced and the damaged lives. They say you are a disinformation spreader.
Steve Kirsch has highlighted a devastating story that is typical of the age we are in. There is no way to describe it but criminal.
This whole story about vaccines and injured people has been brewing for years. They continue to do everything in their power to make sure the truth cannot be exposed, nor will they entertain the thought that these substances could be toxic. Even Scientific American, supposedly a scientific journal, has weighed in on the political front, siding with Kamala Harris.
This is what they say at the start of their editorial.
"Vote for Kamala Harris to Support Science, Health and the Environment
Kamala Harris has plans to improve health, boost the economy and mitigate climate change. Donald Trump has threats and a dangerous record"
Who believes Kamala Harris would set up a commission to investigate the wrongs of COVID-19 policies, including the 'vaccines'? The answer is no.
What is going on today is that we have a cult of death in so many areas. Those on the left who promote abortion at any time during gestation, including in the ninth month, are promoting killing. We're not just talking about the early blastula stage of development. We are talking about a fully formed, viable human in the last trimester of pregnancy.
Another development shows how we are becoming a death cult. There have been two assassination attempts against Donald Trump, a presidential candidate. The mainstream media has memory-holed the events. What's worse is a recent poll conducted by pollster Scott Rasmussen. It shows that 28% of Democrats believe that the U.S. would be better off if Trump was assassinated! A further 24% of Democrats were not sure. Also, roughly half thought that the assassination attempts had been made up.
In a Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports poll:
Fifty-nine percent (59%) of Democratic voters would favor a government policy requiring that unvaccinated citizens remain confined to their homes at all times
Also, 48% of Democratic voters think federal and state governments should be able to fine or imprison individuals who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or online or digital publications.
Instead of saying no more, people need to go to jail for what they have done; it's onward and upward. They are still promoting COVID-19 shots. If Trump is not elected, there is no chance of anyone being prosecuted. Even if Trump is elected, the forces of Big Pharma and governmental bureaucracy will do anything in their power to quelch and investigate all the COVID policies, including the shots.
If RFK Jr. is in a Trump administration, there is a slim chance that prosecutions will be on the table. That's assuming they are not taken out because assassinations are definitely on the table.
It should be hard to believe that so many on the left in my country would want me and all those I know who are still pure bloods to stay confined to home forever or be thrown in prison, but it isn’t. My country has lost its ever loving mind and I’m doubtful we will ever get it back. My only hope is Christ saving this LITERALLY God forsaken country and the only way He will is if we repent. And honestly I do not see that happening.
Hi Ely,
I lived in Sydney, Australia while building out the first phase of Optus Communications' national network. Beautiful country, and great people. I was sad to see what transpired there (and elsewhere) during Covid.
In 2021, I was involved with a group of doctors and nurses at an Atlanta-based research hospital that is closely affiliated with the CDC. This group was valiantly trying to stop the CDC from approving these jabs, especially for children. It was all to no avail. No amount of facts and figures made a difference. And thesea doctors' VAERS reports were being stripped from the system as fast they they could submit them.
I later learned that in the U.S. the C19 jabs and related protocols were rolled out under wartime policy using the 1950's era Defense Production Act, making everyone in the supply chain - including docs, nurses and hospitals - immune from prosecution as long they followed protocols. This, more than anything, explains the widespread disregard for human rights in the face of such a mild biological threat.