All true. And, yes, I'm a (retired) Electrical Engineer, inventor, etc.

EVs and Global Warming are both hoaxes. So, for that matter, are COVID and the jabs.

Obama legalized propaganda by putting the cancelation of an old law into the "must pass" Defense Authorization act as he leaving office. Check my book "Invisible Treason." It was the #1 New Book on Amazon when it first came out. https://wwwjohntrudel.com

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Thanks Trudel, I will get your book. I always believed it was a hoax and a cult, but just like Covid the followers are oblivious to rationality.

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Warming itself isn't a hoax. We are 3+ million years into the Earth's 5th Ice Age, and it's been warming at a remarkably steady rate for 40,000+ years. For the past 11,500+ years we've enjoyed one of many inter glacial periods within this Ice Age. This inter glacial is utterly unremarkable, with temperatures currently running about 8F cooler than the last one 130,000+ years ago.

The notion that warming is a CRISIS is emphatically a hoax - or, more accurately since it is for profit, a fraud.

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Create a crisis then follow the money.

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The totalitarian playbook for over 5,000 years of recorded human history!

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Exactly correct. Global Warming is real and has been for thousands of years. The CRISIS about Global Warming is a hoax.

The early 20th century was a mini-ice age. Niagra Falls froze solid in the early 20th century.

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Yup. There are tons of well qualified people around who have been saying the same thing for decades although, as you know, basic high school maths, science & a mind that tends towards questioning is all that's required. Come to think of it, you don't even need the high school bit.

Jo Nova posted this https://joannenova.com.au/2023/07/another-skeptical-nobel-laureate-of-physics-climate-science-has-metastasized/ .

Whereabouts does a Nobel prize for physics sit on the MSM credibility scale? Nowhere - he was uninvited from events he was going to speak at & effectively cancelled.

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It’s the upside-down world we’re in today.

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98% of climate scientists disagree with you. Better brush up on your science.

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I listen to climate scientists, not ideologues.

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"It's the batteries, stupid!" (not aimed at anyone) Arguing about which LiIon batteries are "best" is like arguing whether VHS or Betamax will dominate video sales next year...

A realistic global solution requires something like what Influit Energy is scheduled to begin delivering to the US Government this year. 4-5x the energy density of LiIon; 1/3 the price per kwh; all of the materials are plentiful, cheap, non-toxic, non-flammable, available anywhere, and don't require slave labor.

Influit may not succeed, or may quickly be eclipsed by something even better. It doesn't matter - something will succeed, it is now a mathematical certainty.

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