We’ve heard at infinitum how the transition from fossil fuels to electric vehicles are going to save us by eliminating that toxic CO2 in the atmosphere. Governments in some locales are implementing mandates to make EVS the only game in town.
Not so fast says physicist Mark Mills. Mills was an experimental physicist and development engineer at Bell Northern Research (Canada’s Bell Labs) and at the RCA David Sarnoff Research Center on microprocessors, fiber optics, missile guidance, earning several patents for his work.
Here he presents a an excellent rebuttal to the illusion that EVS are our saviour.
All true. And, yes, I'm a (retired) Electrical Engineer, inventor, etc.
EVs and Global Warming are both hoaxes. So, for that matter, are COVID and the jabs.
Obama legalized propaganda by putting the cancelation of an old law into the "must pass" Defense Authorization act as he leaving office. Check my book "Invisible Treason." It was the #1 New Book on Amazon when it first came out. https://wwwjohntrudel.com
Yup. There are tons of well qualified people around who have been saying the same thing for decades although, as you know, basic high school maths, science & a mind that tends towards questioning is all that's required. Come to think of it, you don't even need the high school bit.
Jo Nova posted this https://joannenova.com.au/2023/07/another-skeptical-nobel-laureate-of-physics-climate-science-has-metastasized/ .
Whereabouts does a Nobel prize for physics sit on the MSM credibility scale? Nowhere - he was uninvited from events he was going to speak at & effectively cancelled.