Perhaps there is value for those in third world countries? Tell that to the Phillipine parents who lost their children to the Dengue Fever vaccine, or to the Indian parents who list their's due to one of Bill Gates' concoctions.

No. The answer is more free markets, rule of law, protection of property rights, and severe constitutional constraints on those in power. And engineers, who can easily and quickly bring third world countries out of poverty and into prosperity.

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Sep 6Author

That's true but in the real world it's not happening. While I know about those vaccination programs I'll give you an example.

My wife worked in the highlands of New Guinea in 1970, extremely primitive. Women gave birth with babies lying in the soil. What is in the soil? Clostridium tetani which produces the spores and toxin that causes tetanus. She saw multiple babies die with that condition. If you know what opisthotonus, you never want to see a baby in the throes of that condition. As she told me, it was an awful death.

So there are exceptions, but certainly we don't need it in places like Australia, Canada or America. Hence why I never got my kids vaccinated.

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I hAd the vacines as a child and after one I developed a high fever and had to learn to walk again; I've stayed away from them as an adult and enjoy good health at 86. Thanks Elly for your special way of reinforing the truth... xxjake

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Sep 7Author

Wow, I didn’t know that Shirley. Thankfully, you recovered.

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Sep 6Liked by Ely

So thankful your mom survived! You and your wife are great parents to have questioned the vaccines!

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Sep 6Author

Yes, she was in a coma for 5 days. They had to get special dispensation to give her penicillin as there was only so much available. Three injections a day in the buttock for 7 days; she came out of it.

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The graph shows the death rate from influenza and pneumonia in the US decreasing rapidly until1945, when the flu vaccine was introduced. Since then it has levelled out. This begs the question, is the flu jab making it more likely for some people to actually get the flu? Perhaps by lowering their natural resistance?

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Sep 6Author

I'm not sure Murray. Obviously, we've seen patients who got the jab and got the flu or others who got the jab and still get the flu in flu season. So what is the point?

I think it's more that elderly people whose immune systems are already compromised due to ill-health are more susceptible to pneumonia (called old man's disease). It's what often takes even healthy people at the end of their lives. The body just gives out and the bugs like scavengers take over. A certain number of people will die despite antibiotics at that stage.

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Sep 9Liked by Ely

That is why I never have had one. I never get the flu, so why would I give it to myself. I have seen over the years, so many of my friends get it because they're jobs told them they had to, as they are care givers, and every single time they were really ill with it.

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Sep 9Author

Pointless and it's not very effective.

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Sep 9Liked by Ely

When I went and saw my Dr. 2 weeks ago, I have only seen him 3 times, I left my other one as there was a 4 Month wait to get in, ridiculous, anyway, this Dr. asked me if I wanted the flu jab, it's free, he goes on to say, haha, i have never had one and do not intend on getting one, I have only just turned 65 by the way, they like to get us 'old' people. Well, the look of disgust I got, and with him shaking his head asked me "why not?" I told him, I never get the flu, so why would I? He goes to me, "but you might", still shaking his head.

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Sep 9Author

I would walk out of that Dr's office.

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My son is 3 weeks and 4 days old. I refused the hepatitis B vax when he was born and do not want to vaccinate him otherwise. What do you think about him getting the oral polio vaccine? My parents are freaking out due to all the illegals bringing diseases back into the USA now and me not vaccinating my son.

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Sep 9Liked by Ely

My neighbour is 88 and she said she has never jabbed any of her kids and she had 9 of them as well as 3 adopted . They are all fine and healthy adults with children and grandchildren of their own now. I feel now that in this day and age, you just do not know what is in them. They are always tampering with them. Plus, look at the rates of ADHD and the like alziemers, etc. stuff you did not really hear about. Just seems suss. to me now. No baby should be getting all that stuff pumped into them. Let them build up a healthy immune system as they grow, naturally, I say. When my daughter was a toddler, she went through this stage of where we always seemed to be at the Dr. he was an old school Dr. lovely elderly man he was and he told me, let her play in the dirt and get dirty, that's what kids do. Yes, I was a fanatic on wiping her face and hands etc. I was only young then, he told me, let her immune do it job. Another thing, one of the worst things to do is use that hand sanitizer, that stuff is poison. It soaks into your pores into your body, like that sunscreen. Did you hear about that?

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Sep 9Author

Suzanne, I live in Australia we get a lot of sun, but I never use sun screen. There is some evidence that is acts as a carcinogen in some people. If you listen to the medical establishment, mankind would have never survived without their injections and potions.

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If you read The Poison Needle, you will not get the polio vaccine (or any vaccine). And read Dissolving Illusions; The Great White Hoax; and Turtles All The Way Down. Once you go down this rabbit hole, you’ll find that it’s deep and it’s ugly. When you’re done with the books mentioned, read AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire by Nancy Turner Banks.

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Sep 6Author

Once you know the truth…you know.

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Thank you!!

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Also I just bought the book you recommended. Along with RFK Jr.’s book.

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Sep 6Author

Sharyl Attkisson is a true journalist, not an ideologue.

Priscilla, regarding you son, it's a decision only you can make, based on everything you read, as I did way back many decades ago. Things to consider; how much polio is there in the U.S.? What kind of lifestyle will you child be growing up under? There are potential consequences to not taking the vaccine or taking it. For me, I decided the benefits of not taking the jab outweighed the drawbacks.

I also got a lot of flack from parents, in-laws, friends, etc. You also have to consider when he gets to school age, depending on where you are, will he get into school?

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Our state actually just changed the law about children vaccines and school. I intend to home school Lord willing but if I can’t he can at least still attend thank The Lord. If I have to send him to daycare, the lady that keeps a very few kids doesn’t mind that he won’t be vaccinated thankfully. I just seem to see more negative than positive with vaccines. I myself at 43 have seen the rise of autism, auto immune, child cancers and allergies become so prevalent that the only thing I can see causing these things are the vaccines and amount of them they get, and our fake food supply. It’s why I intend to make his own baby food. I just won’t be able to forgive myself if I let him take these shots and something happens to him.

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Sep 6Author

You're a youngster Priscilla. You should see it from my perspective. I'm turning 78 in November. When I was in chiropractic college, I never heard the word autism back in the late 1960s and early 70s. Also ADHD and ADD were not used in those days. There will children who had what we called Hyperactivity Syndrome and it was related to children's systems being activated by colouring agents in the foods. Also upper spinal problems induced hyperactivity in some children as we saw in practice when we corrected their spines. It is a different world today.

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Sep 6Liked by Ely

I wish I could but I know we are on the same page. I value your input greatly, especially because our society is so indoctrinated with doing these things just because “we are supposed to” according to the government and big Pharma, including my own family. I’ve been wary of vaccines for years. I tried to talk my coworker out of giving them to her youngest daughter. I didn’t think I’d ever have kids to have to worry about it but thank God for my son and here we are lol. It’s comforting to know I’m not alone in refusing to vaccinate my child.

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Sep 9Author

I believe more and more people are waking up, though not enough.

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Sep 6Liked by Ely

I would also look at the books Whitewash by Joseph Keon regarding cow’s milk and The China Study. And look for Barbara O’Niell videos on YouTube.

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