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I’ve been wondering how long it would take for Amazon to ban books like his. I’ve bought many from Amazon that go against the prescribed narrative and was surprised. But I hadn’t heard of them banning any yet.

Thanks for the heads up!👍🏼

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I was very dubious about Amazon when in 2020 during the BLM riots, they had a “Black Lives Matter” ad emblazoned on their website. Just sell books; don’t try and sell me ideology.

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This is not surprising at all. Our libraries have been culling books in recent years, by the many thousands, with lame excuses. Quite logical that the fake medical cartel would be doubling down on the fast awakening public who are still breathing, by banning any enlightening reading. Same way +they've banned all the cancer cures. They'd all be directly & indirectly responsible, all those industries combined, for an awful lot of deaths.



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We left the Age of Enlightenment into some new Orwellian Postmodernism.

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It’s free to download on the website for frontline doctors. Also videos and slides.

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I just went to Amazon. It’s not banned. What gives here, Truth?

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Perhaps they have amended it based on the FLCCC letter and responded to logic.

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Well shared Ely.

Jeff Bezos, and his billionaire mate sin Silicon Valley, are INTERNATIONAL CYBER TERRORISTS, and they are nothing but BITCH BOYS for the BANKERS who are the true terrorists, because they fund it all for profits, and they act as agents for the true evil which are the monarchies at the top of the system - the true hidden hands. Welcome to the Zion Matrix.

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Antisemitic filth

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