Aug 26, 2023Liked by Ely

Exactly why is it ignored? Hmmmm... They think people are so dumb they'll forget (maybe some are)... Those who took said vaccines without a second thought, may not have noticed the forcing of this gear on others .. but a vaxxed friend even said to me the other day he didn't understand the "forcing" of it onto others, after all if you've had the vax, surely you are protected, so what does it matter?

Ignoring what went on is insane, but perhaps a well planned psychological tactic. Like Occupy Wall Street was quickly turned via media psyop to "racism" trying to divide the population so they don't unite against the larger enemy. Hence dividing us regarding vac status, blaming unvaxxed etc... Rather than looking at the SOURCE of Covid, and putting blame on those responsible, diverting us from targetting them, to targetting each other.

Also re injuries, I think so many people are flying under the radar (hence the excess death rate, but a deliberate non joining of the dots and senate in Australia voting not to investigate the highest excess death rate since WW2)...

Take for example this heart transplant story from Australia...

To be working in Western Australia this girl is almost certainly vaxxed... One of the strictest vaccine mandates in Australia re working anywhere...

The doctors only discovered what had caused this young girls heart to suddenly fail AFTER they removed it, her immune system was attacking the heart due to a "previous infection"... ??

I may have it wrong but I suspect this is a classic covid vaccine injury I'd think?... The thing infecting her heart was the vax.

Swept under the carpet deliberately or through cognitive dissonance? ...

I'll allow a one in one million chance this was a real "infection", it happens... But given her age and the SUDDEN onset this seems very sus (if it were from a previous infection, one would think she'd have been experiencing a MASSIVE and NOTICEABLE cold and heart problems onset for a while if it were via natural infection, and she would have been sickly, unable to shake the cold leading to deteriorating health... Not for it to happen ALL OF A SUDDEN?!)


This reads like classic vax injury.. and would not be with the TGA (Australia) as a report...

Great article as always Ely... We've lived through a giant crime... Perhaps the largest one ever committed on humanity.

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Very well said Steve. Unfortunately, the media doesn't want anything other than the "show", instead of getting to the truth. Tucker had the opportunity to at leash have Trump respond and justify his actions, though I think once we were down to October 2020, critical thinking would have made one realize that something wasn't right with Covid policy.

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