Mar 20, 2023Liked by Ely

How no one leader around the world exercised any caution around the use of these genetic agents is still beyond me... Not only no caution, but one step further FORCED it onto almost everyone...

Remember thalidomide or any of the other drug mistakes of the past, it seems not...

Even academic institutions that teach history mandated this junk...

Lawyers who study the Nuremberg Code as part of their education, nothing... Save for two brave souls at FairWork, Vice President Hatcher and Commisioner Riordan, just before FairWork became weaponised against the very people it was meant to protect...

Great comments ... LEGAL COMMENTS, swept under the carpet... But I recognise these comments as the true from the Australia of old, with laws... Not this dystopian sellout farce we now live in, corrupted beyond all recognition, where the law is whatever they make up.

For the record:

Vice President Hatcher and Comissioner Riordan comments in judgements re Covid vaccination (they could see the writing on the wall and entered this into FairWork, who totally do not acknowledge the following judgement statements)

"Can COVID vaccinations be mandated by employers on health and safety grounds?

[130] The short answer to this question, in almost every case, is no."

[113] Before turning to a consideration of these reasons, it is important to set the context with some information that is publicly available and should be uncontroversial:

a. Unlike many other vaccinations such as those used to stop the spread of tetanus, yellow fever and smallpox, COVID vaccinations are not designed to stop COVID. They are designed to reduce the symptoms of the virus, however a fully vaccinated person can contract and transmit COVID.

b. The science is clear in that COVID is less serious for those who are young and otherwise healthy compared to those who are elderly and/or who have co-morbidities. In other words, the risk of COVID is far greater for those who are elderly or have co-morbidities. Around 87% of those who have died with COVID in Australia are over 80 years old and had other pre-existing illnesses listed on their death certificates.

c. The World Health Organisation has stated that most people diagnosed with COVID will recover without the need for any medical treatment.

d. The vaccines are only provisionally approved for use in Australia and are accordingly still part of a clinical trial 20.

e. There are side effects to the COVID vaccines that are now known. That side effects exist is not a conspiracy theory.

f. The long-term effects of the COVID vaccines are unknown, and this is recognised by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia. Consent is required for participation in clinical trials

[114] Consent is required for all participation in a clinical trial. Consent is necessary because people have a fundamental right to bodily integrity, that being autonomy and self-determination over their own body without unconsented physical intrusion. Voluntary consent for any medical treatment has been a fundamental part of the laws of Australia and internationally for decades. It is legally, ethically and morally wrong to coerce a person to participate in a clinical trial.

[115] Coercion is not consent. Coercion is the practice of persuading someone to do something using force or threats. Some have suggested that there is no coercion in threatening a person with dismissal and withdrawing their ability to participate in society if that person does not have the COVID vaccine. However, nothing could be further from the truth.

[116] All COVID vaccines in Australia are only provisionally approved, and as such remain part of a clinical trial 21. This is not part of a conspiracy theory. It is a fact easily verifiable from the website of the TGA, Australia’s regulatory authority responsible for assessing and registering/approving all COVID vaccines before they can be used in Australia.

[117] The requirement for consent in this context is not new and should never be controversial. The Nuremburg Code (the Code), formulated in 1947 in response to Nazi doctors performing medical experiments on people during WWII, is one of the most important documents in the history of the ethics of medical research.

[118] The first principle of the Code is that “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential”.

Source: https://www.fwc.gov.au/documents/decisionssigned/html/2021fwcfb6015.htm?fbclid=IwAR0QdMXk-DP_2kin6Jz3bfyDHGuqREb2WT4xFT9fCUyHv21aGEQsQ2OukJw

This judgement statement have been no use in mediation with FairWork, and court cases... So what happened to change the legalities mentioned here? I fear our country's been invaded, and these statements were made by great legal minds, as a matter of record... That is the old Australia, full of legal rights as stated above, versus the new Australia run by the WEF... Who do not believe in human rights as stated by the Yuval Noah Harari at 1:59 in this video, human rights are just "a fiction" as he states, and this is how the elites at the WEF will argue it in their new world order...


Thanks for everything you do Ely... We are up against something huge, that has infected governments worldwide.

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Thank you for your courageous and intelligent efforts .

We need more reports like this to ascertain rightful choices in life.

Beware of those who coerce others, or even force and injure others,

they may simply be psychopaths!

We have a global history of fanatics like this who want to convert the world

"by any means necessary - beginning with lies, then with threats, finally with

imprisonment and or death.

Although most of these persons were politicians, there have been a number

of them in religious movements and medicine.

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