May 24Liked by Ely

Great read Ely...


"We are ignoring the most influential aspect of our climate: the heavenly bodies, most notably, the sun. Even the moon’s gravitational pull tremendously influences our planet and the sun to create tidal shifts along our coastlines"


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I read this last night but it is very thought provoking. I was speculating to my older daughter that what if we are actually seeing a confluence guided by the sun and stars? I went through end times/beginning times prophecy from a Christian, Jewish and Buddhist perspective. Missing from all of this is the astrology of course which might guide human consciousness to higher levels concurrent with magnetic fields. As above so below.

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May 25Author

Thanks for you comment Amy. I am not an expert in astrology so all I can refer to is the science that we do know. Of course, there is a metaphysical aspect to our presence in the universe and mankind is not all-knowing. So we must be open to other effects in the cosmos.

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