Sad day.

I'm wearing this "We the People are Pissed OFF" shirt right now 👇


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You need a million person march on Washington to send a clear message.

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"Saving democracy" means destroying democracy. Just reverse everything MSM and the Authorities are saying (as in 1984: Love is Hate etc.)

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Spot on Bob.

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It's abundantly obvious what they were doing here and I'm sad but not surprised that this happened. It's all the same , a show of a crazy dictator state .

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Yes, they have been determined to take out Trump for anything. Meanwhile, people like Clinton, Obama and Biden have gotten away with criminal behaviour, but all the media and the deep state operatives are on the one side. The message is, "Don't rock the boat." If Trump does happen to win the presidency again, I wouldn't be surprised if they try to knock him off, that's how dastardly the nefarious forces have become.

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I feel we knew the outcome!! It is unbelievable travesty, of so called "Justice" against President Trump!!! I fear, the Swamp Dwellers, will NEVER rest until they have driven every last Republican Voter into their graves.

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They want a one party state, and they claim they are for democracy.

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The joke is that the US still claims to be a free and democratic country, and just recently got all indignant when one of Putin's political challengers died in custody...

Ukraine, that bastion of democracy to which we and so many other countries are sending billions of dollars worth of military aid (to fight for democracy, of course) has done the same thing, jailed all the political opposition.

In Australia, since both major parties are bought - and the Greens too - we don't need to stoop to those lows.

Most of the time.

But we did do the same to Pauline Hanson back in 2003, imprisonment for political reasons.

(A 3 year sentence for "electoral fraud", which was squashed on appeal.)


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It's the illusion of freedom.

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A very sad time in America.

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It was expected, but pretty shocking just the same.

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