I think this is some type of national board that doesn’t really have anything to do with Florida per se. Hoping the surgeon general of Florida will start some type of reasonable new board. We shall see!

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It's the State Licensing Board which like those in Australia are a law unto themselves.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Ely

It is not the state licensing board at all. It is the American Board of Family Medicine doing this to Dr. Littell, not the state of Florida.

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Ok, thanks for clarifying.

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That’s why I thought. So can he still practice in Florida?

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I believe he can. What has been revoked is his specialty certification, not his medical license.

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The fact is they have no business revoking anything from this doctor.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Ely

Absolute tyranny. He has no complaints from his patients regarding his standard of care; his specialization certification is being revoked simply because he engaged in the common practice of prescribing medication for off-label use, and with a high degree of success to boot. The very fact that the so-called “horse dewormer” elicits such a drastic despotic response tells you that those who create the narrative feel that their grip on control is threatened by its successful use in treating Covid. There is no justification for such draconian measures. It’s not about health, it’s not about safety, it’s about power and iron-fisted control.

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Exactly! Still a travesty!

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They are based in Kentucky, so I thought maybe they were some type of national board… But maybe Florida uses them for their certification process?

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The surgeon General had a nice meeting with a big panel with lots of viewers live.

Then like everywhere else in the world THE BIOWEAPON JABS keep on rollin out.

I call most of these groups or inquires or discussions or panels etc the 80 percenters

They never go all the way.

Pretend we are doing something to keep our jobs,or just BOUGHT OFF GLOBALIST WHORES shilling for Klausy and Billy even though they act like they, aren't.

Not to mention the BARR SYSTEM is closed to us the people.

We the people will need to end this.

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