Agree with everything you said 200% it was painful to watch Biden I felt sad more than angry ! Now I feel extremely pissed off at all these people carrying on this charade! It’s disgusting what is being done . I think our whole government has been captured and no one NOT ONE is working for the American people! I don’t think this election can fix it but I guess we can all sit around and wait and see because I’m sure the American people can not put aside our differences and come together and fix this😢 I put my hope in God not man!

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Ely

However, we can't forget he was a pos before dementia so sometimes what goes around comes around. Or more precisely like the Bible says your sin will seek you out. Bleeding hearts are what always get us into trouble. Murder is wrong, but oh bless her heart she was raped and that's why she's pregnant. Doesn't matter. Murder is murder! We'll never have to answer for what the rapist did...we'll only have to answer for what we did. Same with Brandon. Americans cannot come together to fix this because the root of all evil is the love of money. That doesn't mean being successful or prospering. God specifically said He wanted that for us. It means you'll lie, steal, cheat, murder whatever to get more money! Like my neighbor always says..."What is enough?!" They don't just want money...they want complete power! When they defeat us all and there's no food to buy, no stores to shop at, no where to vacation, no where that it's safe due to the entire world being like Los Angeles what good will their money do then?! You are a 1000% wise to put your faith in God not man. And unfortunately they've ruined the human race with chemicals, vaccines, and everything else they've poisoned us with! You can't get people to stop smoking, quit eating at McDonald's, or quit drinking soda, let alone exercise! Technology and social media was the fast downfall of society! People rather text then call or talk to people in public! Kids and MANY adults are so socially awkward it's very sad! When you have adults dating AI and so many gays/lesbians you know society is in deep trouble!!! When you have Christians on fascistbook with church members and their pastors on their friends list yet arguing why there's nothing wrong with 50 Shades of Grey or Game of Thrones you know society is in deep trouble! They've desensitized us for YEARS! Why didn't we SHUT DISNEY DOWN when we discovered what was in their movies??? I look back and I'm ashamed I didn't make a bigger deal! Look at Target...thriving after they not only mocked God they targeted our children and grandchildren with their LGBQT bs! Oh people stayed away for a month or so then school supply season came around and parking lot was full and has been non stop! I haven't went back and I won't. If they hate God and straight people they must not need my money! Americans are so spoiled they won't do what is not comfortable to the flesh. Fear of missing out! Like fascistbook...why would ANY pro America, pro constitution, pro freedom, conservative, Christian be on there??? "I just keep it to keep up with friends and family!" 🐴💩! They stay on it for the fear of missing out!!! The Bible talks about Christians being persecuted for their beliefs and we are definitely there, but so many just don't say anything! Taking the easy way out. Me included at times. 🥺

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Jun 29Author

Money itself is not evil. Money is a form of energy; a means of fair exchange. It’s more like power and ideology. Does George Soros need money? Of course not, but he uses money to foment an evil ideology. The Islamic terrorists don’t care about money. They are just wedded to their ideology and exertion of power. Since we don’t empower ourselves and show weakness (Biden), others take power over us. It’s the same story throughout history.

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The love of money is the root of ALL evil We are seeing right now everywhere!! Everyone has been bought off

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Jun 29Author

So is Trump evil? I know very wealthy people and they give to those less fortunate in life. Are they evil or do they put the money they have rightly earned to advance our civilization?

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No money is not evil...the LOVE/LUST of money! Evil people get money and weak people want it too so instead of working for it they are easily manipulated with it!

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In a recent move to stir the political pot, Trump dropped a damning video of President Biden on Truth Social, sparking further discussions and controversies.


— Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social (@TrumpDailyPosts) June 14, 2024

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Jun 29Author

The biggest farce is Biden and his wife saying Trump is a liar. While Trump does bloviate at times, Biden is in a league all his own. He has blatantly lied all his life.

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Jun 29Liked by Ely

Whose running America? Probably the same world organizations running many of the Countries in the world. What surprises me, is how surprised people are acting by his "performance". How is this a surprise!?

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Jun 29Author

Either they are blind or have been on board with the lie, thus gaslighting us.

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Such true words Ely!! It was embarrasing to watch. Where do we go from here!!!

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Author

Michelle Obama?

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So, Ely, why aren't you and the "news" media talking about the only competent, sane, and government aware candidate already running as an independent, after giving up on the Dums.

Robert Kennedy, Jr has spent his career fighting government mis-management and corporate take-over, and incompetent beaurocrats and their power trips. He knows what's wrong, and how to fix things. He is telling us the truth, and we all know it when we hear him.

What are they afraid of? That he could fix things? WTF! Please wake up and listen to the alternative to the bozos circus.

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Jun 29Author

I have a lot of respect for Kennedy. He should have been on the debate. Did I ever say I had a problem with him? I am a subscriber to the Childrens Health Defense. My children who were born in the 1970s never go vaccinated. So just for his stance and questioning of vaccines not just now but in years prior, I respect his powers of investigation. While I am not 100% behind everything Kennedy says, I think he is a very credible man.

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