We should not even have gotten to a vaccine. In February 2020, after an extensive examination by 1,800 teams of at least five epidemiologists, reviewing 55,924 laboratory confirmed cases in China, which is 19 times more cases than had yet been reported in the entire U.S. by mid-March 2020, they had found a secondary attack rate of less than five percent, or your chances of getting into Harvard if you even apply, and in plain English, buried in a 40-page report, the WHO, honestly stated there were guidelines to protect the elderly, the highest fatality risk, without pharmacological intervention, while concluding in doctor, sanitary vagueness, "it is not clear whether this correlates with the presence of an infectious virus."

To be described as a highly contagious disease, the secondary attack rate must be at least 60%, and only then is it capable of setting off a super spreader event.

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Yes, they should never have been approved as the Absolute Risk Reduction for prevention was less than 2%; not to mention the serious side effects. They didn’t care.


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Jul 15, 2023Liked by Ely

Brilliant find, thank you Mike (do you still have a link to that info?) ... That's damning evidence right there... Western Australia certainly has provided good evidence that these "vaccines" were too dangerous to rollout in the first place... McGowan and co. certainly would be aware of this yet pushed it anyway... For a disease with a relatively low infection fatality rate (especially as Australia was facing Omicron, 99.99% survival rate, Wuhan was long extinct) many "covid" deaths were positive tests on people with other comorbidities, these comorbidities were generally cause of death... Plus treatment of "covid", when it became pneumonia undertook protocols that were unconventional (and deadly esp if treated with Remdesivir or Madazolam and ventilation - not sure of the protocol in Oz, but I'd put money on us following similar protocols to overseas) leading to death, where had more early intervention taken place, even with the (shouldn't be controversial) safe drug that starts with an "i"...

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Which link?

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Hi Ely, I meant the link to the report Major Mike Webb cited

"In February 2020, after an extensive examination by 1,800 teams of at least five epidemiologists, reviewing 55,924 laboratory confirmed cases in China, which is 19 times more cases than had yet been reported in the entire U.S. by mid-March 2020, they had found a secondary attack rate of less than five percent" ... (To be described as a highly contagious disease, the secondary attack rate must be at least 60%, and only then is it capable of setting off a super spreader event).

That is damning evidence, I was after a link... Although I may find it myself at some point... But that is amazing, meaning all lockdowns were an unnecessary farce from the start

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I got you. So much evidence and it was all ignored.

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This report literally told us everything we needed to know about the coronavirus. https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/who-china-joint-mission-on-covid-19-final-report.pdf?sfvrsn=fce87f4e_2 It's author got in Vox Media on March 2, 2020 and said he didn't believe anyone had ever read his report. https://www.vox.com/2020/3/2/21161067/coronavirus-covid19-china CNN had claimed right before Kristian Andersen began questioning the features on the virus with Eddie Holmes and Mike Worobey, now our big zoonotic evolution propagandists, that the origins for the virus were either a Chinese krait or king cobra. https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/22/health/snakes-wuhan-coronavirus-outbreak-conversation-partner/index.html This was confirmed by Wei Ji in February with a species specific ENC test for codon usage bias, or affinity. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7138088/pdf/JMV-92-433.pdf Wei Ji had to know that there are no snake coronaviruses, but he looked at everything in the market and claimed the virus had a snake affinity. Nobody is blaming the aliens, and in Webb v. Fauci, Record No. 21-6868 (U.S. 2022), the refined position of the White House, after asserting a presumptive claim of executive privilege, refusing to respond to a FOIA request, is that the government can neither confirm nor deny that the infectious dose and/or secondary attack rate for COVID-19 was classified information. Under Executive Order 12,958, those metrics could only be classified if the government owned and/or controlled the virus, and then it would have to have been manipulated or cultivated in a laboratory. On July 26th, the White House is supposed to finally come to court in Webb v. Meta Platforms, No. 1:23-cv-816 (D.C. 2023) to explain why it had not responded to a FOIA it acknowledged it had received on March 23, 2021.

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Thank you so much Mike, I will keep all this information handy! Great work.

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Jul 15, 2023Liked by Ely

One in every 5 UK doctors are experiencing "long covid" (and we know they were vaccinated):


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Thanks for the link. I have no sympathy with the UK doctors whatsoever. I was misdiagnosed by some in Sussex and given unnecessary and poisonous treatment as a consequence before I realised in September 2020 what was going on. I have been trying to warn people for some time about the vaccines and I only woke up to the fact that all vaccines are pointless and harmful in June 2020.

I have written this on long covid.


Doctors swallowed the lies as to what Covid was and are paying the consequence for their ignorance.


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What a disaster.

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Jul 15, 2023·edited Jul 15, 2023Liked by Ely

Thanks for excellent, short, direct article. Have included it in letter to my local MP here in the UK.

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If you look my April 14 post, you can see some graphs with more recent data for Australia and the USA. It's all bad.

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Long covid now affects 10% and is "unfathonable" according to this:


It will be unfathonable if you believe in mystical things such as wishful thinking.

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Long Covid is real as is vaccine injury, unfortunately, the powers that be only acknowledge one and not the other, because to do so how would the explain what they have forced upon humanity?

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I meant "wishful thinking" apropos vaccination (being a good thing).

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Is that adverse effects per 100000 or total ? Is it just that the total No of vaccine shots increased exponentially during CoVid and therefore so did the total adverse effects?

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Is not the total number it’s the rate per dose. Watch Dr John Campbell.

In my 50 years as a healthcare provider I have never seen so many vaccine injuries; not even close. Extrapolate worldwide it’s shocking.

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I don't suppose that so many people at once have been vaccinated. At least it exposes the scam of vaccines and big pharma.

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Shame the data stops at 2021.

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