Before I retired from hospital pre op in 2008, we were seeing more patients with ear, throat, brain, and tongue cancers and/or tumor. I'm convinced that cell phones are the main cause. JScales, RNC

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Is there any evidence that the EMF blockers (discs, squares) that you stick to your cell phone actually work? I bought a Safe Living Technologies device to indicate the level of EMFs in the area and it’s been a disturbing experiment. I might but one of the blockers and see what the device picks up.

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This is a huge issue and a huge problem for humanity. I'm so glad you've covered thus Ely.

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I am then assuming placing phone on your stomach whilst playing games or scrolling texts etc result as placing it to your ear. Is this correct.

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YW Ely.

Mark Steele and Trower both were asked where one should keep their smart phones when Sleeping.

They said 5 kms away .

I don't take my out.or I switch my Sim card into my dumb phone .

Looking at a Sat phone prolly soon.

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