Aug 1, 2022·edited Aug 1, 2022Liked by Ely

Francis A Boyle was right back in early- mid 2020. The “vaccine” is the real bioweapon. Many thanks for this. Will share! With HUGE THANKS.

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Yes, it was a brilliant breakdown by a scientist and for the most part he kept it to a level which non-scientist could understand.

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"The Pfizer trial data showed that the Absolute Risk Reduction of the "vaccines" is 0.7%. The "vaccines" are useless."

I ran the numbers on this myself. This is the "Absolute Risk Reduction" of the "vaccine" based on the Pfizer's limited "warp speed" trial data. The problem is the information contained in this video is way over the head of the average person. I certainly am not a molecular biologist.

At least at the beginning of this video he's talking about the virus itself, not the efficacy of the alleged "vaccines."

Personally I can't see where there is any benefit to the injections whatsoever. It's acknowledged that they don't work over any significant amount of time, but my belief is there is no proof they work at all even for a short period of time. I believe the Pfizer trials only lasted for approximately 4 months. Additionally the control group was destroyed around the 2nd month.

The creation of these chimeric viruses is a highly criminal act as is pointed out in the video.

The injection mandates are equally criminal.

Unfortunately even the miserable "heath" clinic I go to in Denver is in no way up to speed on any of this. They are firm believers in the injections. Additionally in general they wholeheartedly believe in all the mainstream propaganda. They accept it hook, line, and sinker. All the while they are essentially medical zombie practitioners who really can't relate to a thinking patient at all.

He points out that even the "experts" are showing themselves to be complete novices.

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It's the way that they work out efficacy. If two out of a thousand die in the control group and only one dies in the vaccinated group then that's a 100% efficacy rate.

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That’s the fraud of Relative Risk Reduction.

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Interestingly in the initial Pfizer trials more people actually died in the vaccinated group. The number was not great at the time, but now all cause mortality among the injected is becoming more significant. Another curiosity is that Pfizer eliminated the control group after about just two months. The problem is that a few of us are in the know, but the greater majority of the population believes the propaganda, and it's very difficult to talk to them, because actual facts are obfuscated through lock step media propaganda and widespread censorship. Your doctor's office is one of the places your are least likely to find the truth.

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I knew a year ago that Absolute Risk Reduction was 0.7% in the trial. How they approved its usage along with the adverse events is criminal.

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It's like everything else. The plandemic was staged, but what is amazing is that it was staged world wide. I'm 99.5% certain Jan 6th was an operation that was controlled by the Democrats in conjunction with the Deep State.

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The control groups have been getting eliminated from these Pharmaceutical trials after a few months (if that) for a decade or more.

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Nach allen bekannten Gesetzen

der Luftfahrt,

es gibt keine Möglichkeit eine Biene

sollte fliegen können.

Seine Flügel sind zu klein, um sie zu bekommen

sein fetter kleiner Körper vom Boden abhebt.

Die Biene fliegt natürlich sowieso

weil es den Bienen egal ist

Was Menschen denken, ist unmöglich.

Gelb Schwarz. Gelb Schwarz.

Gelb Schwarz. Gelb Schwarz.

Ooh, schwarz und gelb!

Lassen Sie es uns ein wenig aufrütteln.

Barri! Fruhstuck ist fertig!


Warte eine Sekunde.


- Barri?

- Adam?

- Kannst du glauben, dass das passiert?

- Ich kann nicht. Ich hol dich ab.

Gut aussehen.

Benutze die Treppe. Dein Vater

dafür gutes Geld bezahlt. Es tut uns leid. Ich bin begeistert. Hier ist der Absolvent. Wir sind sehr stolz auf dich, Sohn. Ein perfektes Zeugnis, alle B's. Sehr stolz. Mama! Ich habe hier etwas am Laufen. Du hast Flusen auf deinem Flaum. Au! Das bin ich!

Winken Sie uns zu! Wir sind in Reihe 118.000. Wiedersehen! Barry, ich habe dir gesagt,

hört auf im Haus zu fliegen! Hallo Adam. Hallo Barry. Ist das Flaumgel?

- Ein wenig. Besonderer Tag, Abschluss.

Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich es schaffe.

Drei Tage Grundschule,

drei Tage Gymnasium.

Die waren umständlich.

Drei Tage College. Ich bin froh, dass ich genommen habe

pro Tag und trampte um den Bienenstock herum.

Du bist anders zurückgekommen.

- Hallo Barry.

- Artie, lässt du dir einen Schnurrbart wachsen? Sieht gut aus.

- Von Frankie gehört?

- Ja.

- Gehst du zur Beerdigung?

- Nein Ich werde nicht gehen.

Jeder weiß,

jemanden stechen, stirbst du.

Verschwenden Sie es nicht mit einem Eichhörnchen.

So ein Hitzkopf.

Ich schätze, das könnte er haben

gerade aus dem Weg gegangen.

Ich liebe diese Einarbeitung

ein Vergnügungspark in unsere Zeit.

Deshalb brauchen wir keinen Urlaub.

Junge, ganz schön viel Pomp...

unter diesen Umständen.

- Nun, Adam, heute sind wir Männer.

- Wir sind!

- Bienenmenschen.

- Amen!


Studenten, Dozenten, angesehene Bienen,

Bitte begrüßen Sie Dean Buzzwell.

Willkommen, New Hive City

Abschlussklasse ...

...9:15.Damit enden unsere Zeremonien.

Und beginnt Ihre Karriere

bei Honex Industries!

Wählen wir heute unseren Job?

Ich habe gehört, es ist nur eine Orientierung.

Kopf hoch! Auf geht's.

Halten Sie Ihre Hände und Antennen

immer in der Straßenbahn.

- Fragst du dich, wie es sein wird?

- Ein bisschen unheimlich.

Willkommen bei Honex,

eine Abteilung von Honesco

und ein Teil der Hexagon-Gruppe.

Das ist es!



Wir wissen, dass Sie als Biene

hast dein ganzes Leben gearbeitet

um an den Punkt zu kommen, an dem Sie

kann ein Leben lang arbeiten.

Honig beginnt, wenn unser tapferer Pollen

Jocks bringen den Nektar zum Bienenstock.

Unsere streng geheime Formel

wird automatisch farbkorrigiert,

duftangepasst und blasenkonturiert

in diesen beruhigenden süßen Sirup

mit seinem unverwechselbaren

goldenes Leuchten, das du kennst als...


- Das Mädchen war heiß.

- Sie ist meine Cousine!

- Sie ist?

- Ja, wir sind alle Cousins.

- Recht. Sie haben Recht.

- Bei Honex streben wir ständig danach

jeden Aspekt zu verbessern

des Bienendaseins.

Diese Bienen sind Stresstests

eine neue Helmtechnologie.

- Was glaubst du, was er macht?

- Nicht genug.

Hier haben wir unsere neueste Weiterentwicklung,

der Krelmann.

- Was macht das?

- Hafer, dieser kleine Honigstrang

das hängt, nachdem Sie es gegossen haben.

Spart uns Millionen.

Arbeitet jemand an der Krelman?

Na sicher. Die meisten Bienenjobs sind

kleine. Aber Bienen wissen es

dass jeder kleine Job,

Wenn es gut gemacht ist, bedeutet es viel.

Aber wähle sorgfältig

weil du im Job bleibst

Sie wählen für den Rest Ihres Lebens.

Den Rest deines Lebens den gleichen Job?

Das wusste ich nicht.

Was ist der Unterschied?

Sie werden froh sein zu wissen, dass Bienen,

als Spezies hatte ich keinen Tag frei

in 27 Millionen Jahren.

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Have shared on my Substack. We need obscure headings on these articles so they can be shared on facebook.

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In addition to the toxins contained in lethal injections, there are other series of bioweapons that are used against civilians on a daily basis. The camouflaged passenger planes that make their mock flights every day all over the world are carrying out various chemicals that wipe out every form on Earth. Add 5G radiation to the mix and you've got the whole thing rounded out. All of this was detailed in the 2001 bill H.R. 2977 in Section 7.


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Probably more to worry about in this area than climate change.

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This is the case when too many Chinese planes from Wuhan fly around the world and distribute their cargoes to other planes. https://www.brighteon.com/522c3226-52b4-4443-9c27-39a7dd2f516a

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The link.opens up to an error message.

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I have deleted this video. I have added few details to the new one. In a few hours it will be available under this link: https://www.brighteon.com/71e74041-6e26-4953-86fc-d078d1997d43

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Somewhat off topic, but another must watch video:

Ancient Iraq is a Massive Conspiracy...


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Ok, thanks IPA.

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I've heard that the particular color of Toyota seen in the video only comes from the US. We are being sucked into the Ukraine conflict in the same way.

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I watched it. Interesting. I was aware of the various connections. An ex patient of mine who was in the SAS was in Iraq and he told me he saw the weapons of mass destruction of Saddam being moved on trucks into Syria.

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Sounds like BS. There weren't any.

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I'm just telling you what he told both my wife and I.

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I don't doubt that he said it. I've heard others make similar claims, but there has never been any substantiated evidence. Actually there is more evidence that no one died at Sandy Hook and that the 2020 US presidential election was equally fraudulent.

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I'm sure he's very well intended, and clearly highly qualified, but all he is really doing is lending gravitas to all the Wuhan Lab Leak/GOF paper trail evidence that many of us were all over 12 months ago. I consider all this paperwork to be an elaborate red herring. They were clearly doing something in Wuhan, but I do not believe they were stitching HIV in to a contagious virus. Who knows what they actually get up to in the labs. All this stuff helps to do is continue to push a false binary narrative that we are dealing with a deadly, highly contagious disease that either came from bats or from a GOF lab (which just helps to make it sound even more scary). But I do not believe that without the bullshit that is PCR; and without Midazolam and Ventilators; and murderous treatment protocols off the back of bullshit PCR, that no one would have noticed anything different in 2020. I do not believe it actually exists and until I see something with my own eyes in myself or anyone I know (who have now all been vaxxed so who knows whats going on in their bodies), then I'm sticking with that.

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The concept of the injection is to induce an auto-immune disease. I figured that out on my own just talking with my younger Korean neighbor. Just from a conceptual point of view, these injections would be highly risky, and there really is no antidote. Doctors are mystified as how to treat the "vaccine" injured. It was also very clear to me early on that the injections really weren't working, but I could not convince anyone of that fact. They claimed they were "following the science."

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It just shows how few "think" about what they do with their bodies. They actually don't respect their inner wisdom.

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No, it has to due with the acceptance of propaganda which is not always easy to recognize.

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That's part of it. But what does that come from? My wife and I, both as health care practitioners for 102 years between us, are astounded as to how little most people know about their bodies. Most don't want to know. They have the, "your the professional doc" attitude, do what you need to do. So many have undying faith in the doctor. If the doc says get vaccinated, they just follow along accepting.

Throughout my career was the imperative that I educate the patient about how their body works and how what I do is related to how their body functions. It's funny, we supposedly live in the information age, but few people are actually informed when it comes to health.

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Here's the other thing Ely. I've gone Covid free now for 2.5 years. I'm addressing it with the recommended supplements such as D, Zinc, & Quercetin. All the while several of the "vaccinated" tennis players have had a bout with COVID. At what point do we get to say a naturopathic approach actually works? Seven years?

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I haven’t had Covid either, everyone I know has had it. I supplement and exercise regularly, also get regular chiropractic care. Yet I’m in a supposedly ‘high risk” group, turning 76 soon. I never get the flu either. I’ve always say jokingly, I don’t have tome to get sick.

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I notice that too. People are taking medications, but they aren't sure what it is, how much they are taking, or even exactly what it was for. The medical experience I ever had was with a naturopathic doctor here in Denver, Todd Nelson. He really helped me a lot. He is also one of the most intelligent persons I ever met.

One old lady at tennis had a really bad rash on her skin. I told her it could be a gluten allergy. She didn't know what gluten is, and completely dismissed the idea, because it wasn't brought up at Kaiser. I don't know if it was caused by gluten or not, but it was worth a try, because I suffered myself from a similar condition. I brought a lot of papers into the dermatologist which he threw in the trash. He wasn't able to help me, but a gluten free diet did.

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It was clear to me too. I kind of went a bit loopy before the rollout when talking to friends. I'd say that I hope none of them would be taking the shot and they looked at me like I was nuts. So I'd then, out of frustration, start getting very ranty until they would just walk away from me. I didn't deal with it very well to be fair, but then I've never been a situation where my government was actively and openly experimenting on everyone I love while they didn't seem to give a shit.

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I share your feelings Rob. I initially got very angry and frustrated at the stupidity. I came to realize that those who didn't want to know were like passengers on a sinking ship refusing to see that the sinking ship. I would move on to others, those open to hearing the message.

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Very good analogy. The limited life boats on the Titanic were half empty.

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It took me a while to learn to do that. I've become better at ascertaining who is open to the discussion. I don't bother otherwise. Half of my family are in Oz with you and everyone of them has drunk the cool aid. They seem to be ignoring me these days. Its a shame as we were very close at one point.

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I had a guy at tennis go nuts when I said HCQ worked when administered early. I told him about the people that Trump had at the Whitehouse who had taken it, and that triggered him even more.

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Well I don't believe anything actually exists. Yes, i'm one of those stupid virus deniers. But I do think that there is something about IVM or HQN that, due to its status as a Zinc ionophore, might help people who are going through a period of intense detox that might otherwise finish them off.

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In the quantum world, nothing really exists until it is observed or measured; otherwise it’s only a probability.

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Indeed Ely, I would not deny a virus as a potential possibility to explain some aspects of soemthing that appears to be transmission, but I also don't discount many other possibilities too. I just deny that they have ever proven this and until they do and then repeat that experment time after time, they can stick anything that they make to combat a "virus" in someone else. Actually, because they have built a whole castle on a foundation of bullshit, they can shove anything at all that they make in to someone else. I have not taken anything, even a paracetamol for years because I have never needed to. Even if they did prove contagion, which I dont believe they will, I would still not take anything as my terrain is sacred

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