All true.

NATO is a relic from the Cold War, targeted against the old USSR -- which no longer exists. The UN is worse -- it has NEVER prevented a war, but does often arrive in time to rape the survivors.

Eisenhower warned us of the "Military Industrial Complex." America was been trapped in "unnecessary wars" for decades. Even our top military commanders -- Especially General Flynn, but others privately -- testify to this waste of American lives and treasure.

Right now, our main enemy is China -- which is waging that they call "Unrestricted War," which most here call "5G warfare." Many of our elected officials are taking money from China. Epoch Times (now the #4 paper in America, plus they have a good video channel) reports that, for all practical purposes, China now controls Hollywood.

We have as many Americans dying from Chinese Fentanyl as we lost in WW II!


Check our book -- #1 new book on Amazon last year -- Invisible Treason.


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Jun 26Liked by Ely

Donald Trump is our best hope for the Presidency.

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Jun 26Author

He’s the only hope at this stage. Biden has been a disaster. If Trump can control himself and act Presidential it will help in the debate and not get triggered.

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