Very well written. Share worthy to all my blue pill friends. Bravo!

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Thank you Debra. The facts are self-evident.

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The media are leaking out the huge cola raise retirees are getting of 8%. All I can say is read the fine print, you are still getting screwed again and by the same people. You are breaking even at best.

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I notice groceries in Denver are up about 33% I used to get a dozen eggs for around $2.00 now they are about $3.25 a dozen. Milk is similarly inflated. Gas is way up. I don't believe Biden was legitimately elected. There haven't been any audits that show that he was. Computerized voting has always been problematic from the beginning.

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Here in West Australia we're paying about $1.75 a litre which is $6.65 Australian dollar to a U.S. gallon. Since our dollar is currently 63 cents to the U.S., it works out about $4.18 a gallon. Our eggs are about $5.50 a dozen, converted to U.S. dollars that is $3.46 a dozen; very similar. Inflation is everywhere. Thank you Biden with your stupid energy policies.

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