Excellent post, thank you.

The video of the dentist— and my sincere respect to her— talking about what happened to her mother was horrifying. Pre-covid I had elderly relatives who had similar issues, not sudden onset, but slowly manifesting over many years— the shuffling, the dementia, etc. It's really a nightmare trying to care for them. I can only imagine, how much worse would that be, if it were sudden onset, knowing that it was a jab injury, and getting all that ripe gaslighting.

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Aug 3Author

It's criminal really. It's one thing to produce a defective product. It's another thing gaslighting people with no compensation for injury.

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A lot of people have a lot to answer for.

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You need to buy a copy of "The Pfizer Papers" when it comes out for your office. Just reading the paragraph headings is enough to make the penny drop.


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Aug 3Author

Aaron Siri has chronicled that no vaccine in history has gone through rigorous clinical trials. I knew intuitively, having been in the clinical arena for decades, that when they announced 'Operation Warp Speed' that it was a disaster in the making. Even today, they keep gaslighting us with the 'safe and effective' rubbish.

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I knew this was true, but Love the way you present the facts!!!!xxj

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Aug 5Author

Thank you.

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