The War On Liberty Continues: Often With The Help Of Governments And Courts
It seems as if we’re in a kind of Kafkaesque dream world where nothing is as it should be; we are constantly lectured about democracy as everywhere our personal freedoms, including free speech and medical autonomy, are being eroded by absurb bureaucratic overreach.
On so many fronts, we are under assault, whether it’s by government mandates, disinformation, or misinformation. Yes, the government that wants to legislate against disinformation is the biggest purveyor of disinformation. The arrival of Covid on the shores of Western ‘democracies’ was the great salvo and opportunity for government overreach, the likes of which we had never seen before.
The government is correct that we should be concerned about disinformation. But it is tone-deaf to the falsehoods it is engaging in.
The big question is, who should police information? Is it a good idea to censor speech? If speech is inciting violence, yes, it should be censored. Incitement to violence is actually a crime.
Most of the censorship over the past several years was about COVID-19. Suddenly, varying medical opinions were not allowed. Reputable doctors and scientists were accused of spreading disinformation when once they were exalted as leaders in their professions.
Most were in on the Covid calamity except for a few journalists like Del Bigtree and Sheryl Attkisson.
In this video, Attkisson exposed through her Full Measure program that the so-called ‘vaccines’ were shots that induced the body to become a spike protein factory, which in turn caused clotting.
Notice the link in the video image: Covid-19 vaccine - get the latest information from the Australian Department of Health.
When you go to the Australian Health Department policy about Covid-19, this is what they say:
"Regular COVID-19 vaccinations (also known as boosters) are the best way to maintain your protection against severe illness, hospitalisation and death from COVID-19."
"All COVID-19 vaccinations are free to all people in Australia, including those without a Medicare card."
"It is safe and efficient to receive your COVID-19 vaccine alongside your flu vaccine or other routine vaccinations, including those for children over 5 years old and teens. They are especially important for anyone aged 65 years or older and people at higher risk of severe COVID-19."
"Possible side effects
The most frequently reported side effects include injection-site reactions, such a sore arm. Other reported side effects include:
muscle pain
fever and chills
These side effects typically last no more than a couple of days, and you will recover without any problems."
The only truth they say about COVID-19 shots is that they are free. The rest is misinformation on so many levels. They are not safe, they don't work, and in fact, they increase your risk of getting COVID-19 more than if you were unvaccinated. Who is going to take the government to task for such egregious ignorance? By failing to inform, governments are robbing citizens of their autonomy.
Look at the list of side effects. It's short and innocuous, except that it is so far from the truth as to be outrageous. By mentioning some trivial side effects, they are actually denying people informed consent, which is the hallmark of undertaking any medical procedure.
The courts are also at work denying medical autonomy, as exemplified by this medical headline.
Nevada Supreme Court Rules Against Family of Man Who Died After Hospital Swapped Out Ivermectin for Remdesivir
This court ruled that the family had no recourse because of the liability protection under the PREP Act, meaning the hospital could stop a safe drug the family and the patient knew could be helpful and replace it with something unsafe–Remdesivir. How unsafe is Remdesivir? Watch Dr. Paul Marik in his testimony before Senator Ron Johnson's committee.
When information becomes disinformation and vice-versa, we lose all moral compasses, and everything is turned on its head.
So when it comes to a person like Donald Trump, whatever one thinks of his personality, one can make up any event and attribute it to him. We saw this in the fake actions taken against him since he entered the political scene. This has become so extreme that people can rationalize attempts to assassinate him.
In a shocking poll conducted by the Napolitan Institute, these are peoples' attitudes to Trump being assassinated.
More than one out of four Democrats believe that America would be better off with Trump assassinated! Interestingly, two assassination attempts against Trump have been memory-holed by mainstream media. Some even contend that the assassination attempts were faked.
What if there had been a close call in an assassination attempt against Barack Obama? There would probably be unimaginable race riots in America. After all, when George Floyd was allegedly killed by a police officer, riots, murders, and billions of dollars in damage ensued across many American cities.
The war on liberty is not limited to America. Currently, the Labor government is on a mission to pass the Combating Misinformation and Disinformation Bill in Australia. This bill would define 'misinformation' and what constitutes serious harm. It would be left to the whims of bureaucrats to determine what constitutes misinformation. The government would require medial platforms to police their sites and if they failed to comply there could be fines in the millions. Based on the government's previous track record, you can bet that the truth will be deemed false in instances that don't adhere to the prevailing narrative.
There may be things we don't like, speech we hate, and medical treatments we don't aspire to. Still, if we muzzle the voice of people or individual autonomy regarding things like our personal health, we are going down a very dangerous road.