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The Unlikely Resurrection Of Nicolae Ceaușescu as Canadian PM Trudeau


A little history is in order; Nicolae Ceaușescu was a man not to be outdone. He succeeded as Romanian Communist Leader in 1965 following the post-war Communist revolutions in Eastern Europe. For Ceaușescu, Romania was not communist enough, and he modelled the country on the brutal dictatorship of North Korea.

Besides terrorizing the citizenry with secret police, he banned religion and stifled the economy.

Ceaușescu razed several city blocks to make room for enormous buildings such as the Peoples Palace—the second largest building in the world. He demolished homes to make room for dull, pokey, concrete apartment blocks. My mother's family home disappeared.

By 1989, the people had had enough. Ceaușescu fled the capital, Bucharest, but was captured by the military. As my Romanian friends told me, Ceaușescu and his wife were summarily tried in a city square and then executed—all on live TV.

The irony today is that Romanians—along with other Eastern Europeans— are re-living in today's Canada what they fled. The video above from Tucker Carlson Tonight was an interview with a Romanian truck driver now living in Canada. The police thugs forced this driver to get out of his truck and then repeatedly kicked him while on the ground. Justin Trudeau's so-called police is really a version of Hitler's Brownshirts.

Under Trudeau's emergency orders, anyone supporting the truckers' protest can be arrested, lose their job and have their bank accounts frozen. This, in fact, is happening.

It's hard to fathom the degree of totalitarian rule that has taken over Canada. Pretty-boy, soft-spoken Trudeau with the expensive suits is now like the Romanian leader, Ceaușescu. Don't let the exterior facade fool you. This is a psychopathic, vindictive man. Some Canadians may die because of his policies, such as not getting cash to feed their kids.

While I doubt Trudeau will suffer the same fate as Ceaușescu, you have to wonder when Canadians' anger will really boil to the surface.

In another video, another Romanian is speaking out. At a rally in British Columbia, this woman attests to life in Communist Romania. She is fiery and fearless. She sees Canada going the way of Romania unless people rise up for their freedoms. Watch the video below.

I'll bet Americans never thought that their friendly neighbour to the north could turn into an authoritarian state. We know that Justin Trudeau is enamoured with the late Cuban Communist Castro. Some say Castro is really the father of Justin. Regardless, Trudeau is a Communist sympathizer, having praised Communist China on many occasions.

So, America, what are you going to do about a dictatorship on your doorstep that has suspended human rights? Romania 2.0? Joe Biden, by his statements and actions probably wished he had the power of Trudeau.

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