The Presidential Debate: Perception Is Everything
You have to hand it to the Democrats; they are out to win—really win—and do whatever it takes, pay any price, as long as it takes, to take Donald Trump out. They may be expressing taking Trump out figuratively, though some are trying to take the man out literally. There was the Butler, PA, assassination attempt, but now we hear of another near assassination attempt. This time, a gunman was at the entrance of the golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida, while Trump was on the course. Will someone get lucky on a third attempt?
We are living in crazy times. The hatred of Trump is so visceral and the abuse so extreme that it doesn’t take much to push a deranged mind over the edge. So much for Biden bringing the country together. If we stop to think about it, Biden–Harris, or whoever is running them are the causative factors that have set in motion the effects: the attempted killing of Trump, high inflation, terrorist attacks, an inept military, an expansive empire––Iran, and an emboldened Russia.
So, mentally impaired Biden comes out with the following:
It is a bit rich for Biden to now condemn when he's been fanning the flames of violence with "Trump is a threat to democracy", and "He's a dictator." The rhetoric goes on and on. The reality is that the Democrat Party and its allies in the media have been engaged in the most regressive anti-democratic policies I have seen in my lifetime, and unfortunately, it is contagious. It's spread to Canada, Australia and the U.K.
I don't want Trump assassinated, and I want him to win the election because America on the world stage is floundering. It's just a matter of time before, once again, an earth-shattering event hits the American homeland.
This gets me back to the so-called debate. I don't think Trump did himself any favors in the 'debate' with Kamala Harris. We know the moderators were anti-Trump, so no one should be surprised. Why would Trump go into the lion's den, knowing that all mainstream media is biased? In the case of ABC, there was no attempt to conceal it.
Despite the bias, Trump had the opportunity to trounce Harris. There is no way this should even be a close race. The reality is that the democrats have been successful in painting Trump as evil incarnate. Unfortunately, Trump often doesn’t articulate clearly when responding to questions, but instead babbles on. It’s okay with Biden and was okay in 2016, but for many its become tiresome, especially those 1-2% who haven’t made up their minds.
We know Harris is an empty suit and lies extensively, but she was prepared thoroughly. Her handlers schooled her well in the lies that she espoused. There was an advantage Harris had besides the moderators; she is a woman, and a woman of colour. She actually put Trump on the defensive a number of times. She look directly at Trump when he spoke, while Trump looked straight ahead, often with a scowl on his face when Harris spoke. As fake as Harris is, she exuded confidence especially as the debate progressed.
Unfortunately, Trump doesn't articulate his message clearly when responding to questions. He often babbles on. We know Harris lies extensively, and at the debate, she was well-schooled in the lies.
From the outset, Harris was asked about the economy and whether she believed people were better off than they were four years ago. The start of her response was this:
"So, I was raised as a middle-class kid. And I am actually the only person on this stage who has a plan that isabout lifting up the middle class and working people of America. I believe in the ambition, the aspirations, the dreams of the American people. And that is why I imagine and have actually a plan to build what I call an opportunity economy. Because here's the thing. We know that we have a shortage of homes and housing, and the cost of housing is too expensive for far too many people."
Harris didn't answer the question but instead gave a vague, meaningless, long-winded statement. Trump started okay with his response but then jumped over to immigration and crime instead of staying focused on the economy. In her rebuttal, Harris brought up Project 2025. That was a hook, and Trump fell for it. She had him on the back foot instead of him attacking her economic policies. All he had to say at that point was, "Don't point your finger at me; you caused where the economy has been the past four years."
Then Trump made an unforced error when he stated the following:
"We did a phenomenal job with the pandemic. We handed them over a country where the economy and wherethe stock market was higher than it was before the pandemic came in. Nobody's ever seen anything like it. We made ventilators for the entire world. We got gowns. We got masks. We did things that nobody thought possible."
Actually, America did a terrible job with the pandemic, despite Trump's hyperbole, but not all of it was Trump's fault. For some reason, he saw fit to brag about it.
Then, Harris again brought up something to irritate Trump. As I said, she was well-trained for this debate and stayed disciplined. The thing that Trump is sensitive to is about his crowd sizes. Here she pushed his button with the following":
"And I'm going to actually do something really unusual and I'm going to invite you to attend one of Donald Trump's rallies because it's a really interesting thing to watch. You will see during the course of his rallies he talks about fictional characters like Hannibal Lecter. He will talk about windmills cause cancer. And what you will also notice is that people start leaving his rallies early out of exhaustion and boredom."
Trump took it hook, line, and sinker and defended his rallies. All he had to say was, "While Kamala is concerned about my rallies, I'm concerned about the American people." Bingo, pure and simple.
Similarly, on the extensive issue of late-term abortions, Trump could have easily put her on the back foot with, "So nine states have an abortion at any time during pregnancy, which I'll be happy to show you after the debate, Kamala. Supporting late-term abortions shows you have no humanity because whether a fetus is seven, eight, or nine months, it is a living human and is viable. You are killing a viable human being."
If we take an aerial view of what is going on, Joe Biden, with Kamala in tow, has been the enabler of terrorism around the world. He has empowered the number one state actor in the world that we must worry about. It's not Russia, China, or North Korea; it's Iran. By releasing billions of dollars to the radical mullahs running the Islamic State of Iran, he has been the co-sponsor of an empire of terror that is growing by the day.
Kamala Harris––if she wins––will continue the disastrous Biden policies and worse. Another four years, or eight, will tip America over the edge. If you think freedoms are eroded now, you haven't seen anything. The terror regime of Iran will be on the rampage, including possessing a nuclear arsenal. Welcome to the new world order.
As Michael Oren, former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S., recently wrote,
"By no longer insisting, as they did last October, that Hamas must be destroyed—by now insisting on a prolonged ceasefire that may enable Hamas to declare victory—the United States risks emboldening jihadists worldwide."
Iran's proxy of jihadi terrorists number more than a dozen, not only in the Middle East, but they are infiltrating the Americas, and there are sleeper cells in the U.S. Does this administration care? I think not; why would they have allowed Iran to reach this stage.
Israel not only suffered its 9/11 last October, it is regularly contending with rockets from Hezbollah in the north and, just yesterday, a hypersonic missile from the Houthis in Yemen. Yemen is an impoverished place, so where did they get such weaponry? We know the answer. This happened because of America's broken foreign policy.
We are in dangerous times; Trump's life is at risk whether elected or not. We shall see if the perception of Kamala Harris as a viable president is accurate or whether it is a misperception that led to Trump's re-election.