America and many countries in the West are self-imploding societally. The whole value system that has served America so well is going through a revolution. The revolution involves the degradation of the soul of America. Nothing is stable anymore.
A new Wall Street Journal poll is very revealing. In just 25 years, traditional values declined, with the most apparent shift in 2019.
Interestingly, the chart shows that almost all parameters have declined in importance. Religion, patriotism, community involvement, and having children are becoming irrelevant. However, what has increased in importance is money. How can a culture survive when only 30% of adults consider having progeny as a necessity. When people supplant religious traditions and family, something will fill the void. So take your pick; big government, sexualizing children, climate change. Meanwhile, in China, this woke ideology is not taught to the young. In the West, social media is literally brainwashing the young.
Another very telling poll is how confident people feel about the future..
Most people aren't optimistic about their children's future, so many choose not to have children. Rather than do what they can to redress the deranged direction of society, they are succumbing to the woke ideology.
According to Researchgate, there has been phenomenal growth in transgender medical visits in the U.K. These are just statistics until 2013. No doubt, the increase in the past 10 years is enormous.
Like all revolutions, there is a war against certain groups. Antisemitism is always there, if not blatant, then just under the surface. The new target today is Christianity, epitomized not only by a crazed transgender person killing six people in Nashville but also by church burnings in America and elsewhere.
The transgender movement is exploding, and "gender reassignment" surgery is now big business. Shame on doctors who are engaging in the sexual mutilation of children. What is worse, something that is a mental aberration is being normalized.
What is also troubling is the rise of anti-white racism, which is being institutionalized both in the educational and governmental departments. It doesn't matter who the next President is, whether Trump, DeSantis or some other like Michelle Obama, America is like a stage 4 cancer patient. Sometimes there are remissions, other times exacerbations, but ultimately they end on life support. The West is getting to that point..
Agree absolutely; regrettably, Australia seems to be on a parallel course, perhaps even worse. The PM and Ministers are unable/unwilling to clarify the terms of their Voice legislation. Even worse is the fact that the under 50s seem willing to give them a pass. The pandemic and the lies propagated by government, even the banning of cheap alternative medicines (IVM and HCQ) , should have been ample warning. The NIAA body costing us $4.4Bn a year has exactly the same goals and responsibilities, as the Voice, so why a mirror organisation??? Something is crooked here! Look to the Greens whose leader will not stand in front of an Australian flag.
Agree America is barely on life support. Great post going to add it to my own.