The election of Donald Trump represents an opportunity, not a guarantee. We should be thankful for the opportunity. If Trump had not turned his head a few millimeters to look at the jumbotron in Butler, Pennsylvania, it could have been a very different outcome. Whether it was divine intervention or for some other mystical reason, Trump, despite all the attacks and threat of jail, is here, standing tall as the President-elect.
We assumed freedom in the West had been enshrined for many years thanks to documents such as the U.S. Constitution. Even in Australia, which doesn't have such a document, it was assumed that we had the equivalence of the First Amendment with free speech, and freedom of assembly. That is what I believed when I immigrated to Australia in 1980.
The arrival of Covid-19 in early 2020 and the declaration of a pandemic emergency, presaged the Orwellian tactics that would be implemented across the world. It was as if, in unison, the Gods decreed the COVID commandments:
"Thou shall not go out without a face mask."
"Thou shall not go outdoors for more than an hour."
"Thou shall receive a vaccine or lose your job."
"Thou shall ignore fake news that the vaccines are unsafe and ineffective."
What was imposed on us was akin to a religion, and the established principle of medical autonomy with informed consent was thrown into the waste basket. COVID-19 gave the authorities permission to suspend human rights. The fact that most people accepted the tyranny and even deplored those who resisted showed the level of brainwashing inherent in our society.
We had assumed that with the fall of the Berlin Wall exactly 35 years ago, a revolution for democratic principles would spread worldwide. New states came into being from the old Soviet Union. Little did we know then, when caught up in the day's euphoria, that the autonomy would be short-lived. Today, there is no longer a Soviet Union. Still, the West has adopted some of the oppressive principles of those days.
We've been living the illusion that we have autonomy, but reality has slapped us in the face the past few years. The powers in control mean to keep it that way. We have an inherent need for free will, the freedom to make our own choices.
The limitation of our autonomy restricts how we express ourselves. This can be evident in our jobs, with our family, or on a more significant level in society. The loss of autonomy leads to frustration, irritability, and unhappiness. We tend to resent that which restricts our independence. We want to be in control of our lives.
How can we say we are free when the government attempts to pass a misinformation bill in places like Australia? The intent is to stifle free speech and opinion, which very often, as it turns out, the spreaders of misinformation are the government agencies, as we saw with COVID-19.
How can we say we are free when Jewish students are being hounded in universities in the West. They literally have to hide their Jewishness. Jewish mothers are telling their daughters not to wear the Star of David, for fear they will be identified as Jewish. This is not an idle concern. We saw just recently in Amsterdam where Islamic mobs hunted down Jews. Do Muslim women have to fear wearing the hijab? Of course not; the restriction of freedom is a one-way street.
If an actor in Hollywood is conservative, they have to hide their political leanings for fear they'll be outed and lose work; they're not free to express themselves.
Famed 'Bond' villain Robert Davi says 'closeted conservatives' in Hollywood are scared to speak out
Is that what freedom looks like?
Many young women in female sports are not able to compete fairly. They must tolerate biological males in their sport on the preposterous transexual claims of men purporting to be women. It's not only objectively unfair, but it's also suppressing women from being able to compete openly and on a level playing field. Where are all the feminists?
Throughout the West, where we assumed freedoms were a basic human right, international organizations are attempting to do just the opposite. Groups like the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum are using every manipulative tool to spread misinformation and erode our basic freedoms.
However, there is a civilizational shift in the air. With Donald Trump's election to the presidency, it looks like things are about to change. The team he is assembling looks set to right the wrongs of the previous four years and those of the previous Obama administration. This time, Trump and the team he has selected appear to be serious about dismantling the administrative state.
Trump has emphatically stated that he will not allow men to participate in women's sports. That position is, in fact, one of the reasons for his re-election. The normies have finally had it with the perverse woke mob pushing men pretending to be women engaging in female sport and, in some cases injuring young women, in clear violation of Title IX.
Also, by nominating RFK Jr. as head of Human, Health, and Services and Jay Bhattacharya as head of the NIH, the long-awaited justice regarding COVID-19 may come to pass. I can hear the paper shredders in the NIH working overtime.
Trump has also indicated he will take away federal funding to universities and colleges that engage in the tolerance of antisemitic behavior. This would go a long way to remove the suppression of civil rights of primarily Jewish students and their supporters.
The mission of the Trump administration is to free the government from its former suppression of the business community. By allowing businesses and industry to flourish, free enterprise will be energized, which, at its core, means more freedom.
Hopefully, the result will be true freedom under Trump rather than the illusion of freedom. Are you listening and watching Australia? It's time for the people to stand up and follow the U.S. and even Argentina, which has been peeling back the unnecessary restrictions and excessive government bureaucracy that have stifled freedom.
Trumps also withdrawing from the Paris climate fraud(oops, I mean accord) and is putting an oil exec on his team. Hopefully that will stop the whole man made climate change charade and carbon will also have its freedom back. The climate is the metabolism of the planet and it works just like humans metabolism. It constantly adjusts itself in order to strive for equilibrium and balance based on its stressors which mainly come from space. It should be left alone because the climate knows what it’s doing, not us.
I’m hoping nz gets some freedom back with the rise of Donald trump but it could also lead to world war 3 due to Biden allowing Ukraine to bomb Russia proper with long range ballistic missiles. It can only be a loaded gift from Biden for trump to try and upset his presidential term and make his job harder.
I still think revolution is still on the cards though as I can never see the nz govt admitting the genocide jab has maimed and killed so many, even though the data makes it clear. They just ignore anything they don’t want to talk about. Being ignored is not nice and usually ends in conflict of some kind
We need to give you and your country the same love and support you generously gave us Ely. Thank you so much. You will all be in my daily prayers and social media posts