In late 2022, Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida petitioned the state Supreme Court to convene a grand jury to investigate criminality associated with the COVID-19 vaccines. The Final Report was released a few days ago––all 144 pages. It's a tedious read and covers many aspects of vaccine research, development, expert testimony, efficacy, adverse events and ethics.
The report starts with the following as the first line:
"COVID-19 vaccines were a triumph of science, technology and public health that saved countless lives."
With this first line, the ultimate conclusion is no mystery. Despite this, I decided to plough through the report and selected a few pertinent comments.
"Somehow or another, nearly every safety issue we have discussed so far in this Final Report is relevant to the safety signals of Vaccine-Related Myocarditis and Pericarditis (VRMP). Before we begin to delve deeper, however, we wish to make two things clear. First, VRMP events are very rare."
They established that Myocarditis is rare. It was so prior to the COVID-19 vaccines; however, at this point, virtually everyone knows someone who was struck by this condition. I personally know of three people who developed Myocarditis following the shots; rare indeed. Just yesterday, my wife told me of some who developed Myocarditis following the mRNA RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Vaccine).
Rochelle Walensky, former head of the CDC, was questioned about 14 cases of Myocarditis in the military stated the following:
"But, you know, it is a––it is a different demographic than we normally see, and we will be working with DOD to understand what is happening in those 14 cases. We have not seen a signal, and we've actually looked intentionally for the signal in the over 200 million doses we've given."
This is somewhat contradicted by the following statement from the Grand Jury Report:
"Unfortunately, however, the risk of VRMP does not appear to evaporate with subsequent vaccine doses. Many of the studies above did find increased risks of Myocarditis following second doses ofBNT162b2 and MRNA-1273, but subsequent studies have found that those risks did not disappear in subsequent booster studies, but rather seemed to return to a "baseline" roughly equivalent to the risks associated with first doses."
The following is a flip-flop of the previous statement.
"In terms of absolute risk, as we said at the beginning of this section, VRMP from booster doses is still a very rare event. If the incidence of SARS-Co V-2 infection were high enough, it might make sense even for younger males in these VRMP risk groups to get boosted because the potential benefit of avoiding SARS-CoV-2-related complications would be more salient. "
"Ultimately, the companies produced almost a terabyte of data, consisting of over 150,000 documents-about 21 million pages. Unfortunately, it appears to us that both Pfizer and Modema took advantage in different ways of our time constraints, producing vast quantities of worthless, unintelligible, or specialized data, while simultaneously pushing the most valuable documents(internal communications and deliberations) to the end of the process, limiting our ability to timely review them."
They say they were at the mercy of what Big Pharma wanted to provide regarding documentation. This flies in the face of the fraud committed, as outlined by Naomi Wolf in her text, The Pfizer Papers. Here 3200 scientists and doctors reviewed the Pfizer documents released by court order. It's too bad the jury members didn't have such information available to them. They relied on various 'experts', many of them from the medical-pharmaceutical establishment. What is the likelihood they would get a completely unbiased appraisal? Unfortunately, the Grand Jury is made up of ordinary citizens without any particular expertise in a specific subject.
In the Appendix, they also mentioned disruption to families with children losing school time and learning, which had a disastrous effect, such as social disruption, lowered I.Q., and, as they mentioned, "a reduction in total life expectancy for school-age children."
While the grand jury was critical of the way Operation Warp Speed was pushed out with the government's Emergency Use Authorization, they concluded that this was more of an ethics problem than a criminality.
In conclusion, they stated:
"Ultimately, however, we did not find any statute that we believed would be an appropriate vehicle for a criminal indictment based on the facts we have laid out in this Final Report."
So it's all good; there is nothing to see here.
We keep hearing that there will be accountability, that the perpetrators of this bioweapon injected into billions will be brought before the courts. I think we're being delusional. Where is Trump today on this issue? He's talking about Greenland, the Panama Canal and Canada, but not a peep about the damage caused to millions by the COVID-19 injections.
If a Republican state like Florida could not bring any indictments, what is the likelihood of future action? It's prettyremote.
It’s too deep, too many scientists and high ranking individuals involved who profited from this, or were compromised or who are still jut plain stupid. And there’s still people profiting from it. Looking back at all of our lives back in the 80s and 90s and even early 2000s we could’ve never dreamed of this nightmare!
Thanks for your work Ely and your dear family!
How rare is rare ? Narrow minded people could easily turn "common" into "rare" with a bit of subjective bias and wishful thinking.