Where did society, in its wisdom, decide to give government officials and departments immunity from prosecution or accountability for their actions? Where else can people who provide services or products be immune from lawsuits? The only place I know is where the vaccine companies were given carte blanche with liability immunity from the damaging effects of the COVID-19 shots.
Government bureaucrats heading departments such as Health need to answer to the people. What is the government, after all, if not government for the people and by the people? Government officials would not receive remuneration if it wasn't for our tax dollars. So, how can they institute policies that damage people and are not held accountable? It's a perverse system.
This brings me to the Australian government. In Australia, there is a government-run Medicare system that is mandatory. Everyone who has a taxable income pays 2% of their net income as a levy to cover the costs of basic medical care. It covers doctor visits to a degree and diagnostic tests, hospital stays, and surgical procedures. There is usually a gap between the true fee and the Medicare rebate.
In January 2022, a year after introducing the mRNA 'vaccines' in Australia, Medicare introduced a "New item code 63399 which is for Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for myocarditis associated with mRNA Covid-19 vaccination."
As stated on the Department of Health website:
MRI–scan of cardiovascular system for the assessment of myocardial structure and function, if the service is requested by a consultant physician who has assessed the patient, and the request for the scan indicates:
the patient has suspected myocarditis after receiving a mRNA COVID-19 vaccine; and
the patient had symptom onset within 21 days of a mRNA COVID-19 vaccine administration; and
the results from the following examinations are inconclusive to form a diagnosis of myocarditis:
(i) echocardiogram; and
(ii) troponin; and
(iii) chest X-ray.
So, the health department, by putting in this new diagnostic code, acknowledged that these shots can be dangerous and deadly. That is hardly news to anyone with their eyes and ears open. I know several young people who suffered myocarditis following the Covid-19 shots.
You would think that the government's admission would mean they would cease a potentially deadly product, or, at the very least, a massive lawsuit would demand reparations for the vaccine-injured. This is what we expect of any product found to be defective. Instead, we get this:
Is it true? Get the facts on COVID-19 vaccines
Read on; the areas highlighted in bold are directly from the Australian Department of Health Website.
How do COVID-19 vaccines work?
"COVID-19 vaccines work like other vaccines."
"Vaccines help to train your body to recognise and fight against viruses that can cause illness, without giving you the illness itself."
COVID-19 vaccines help the body recognise and fight the virus that causes COVID-19. They do not contain COVID-19 and you cannot get COVID-19 from having the vaccine."
Can you not get COVID-19 from having the vaccine? Notice this sleight of hand. They don't tell you that the more you vaccinate, the more susceptible your immune system is to COVID-19 because of the production of IgG4 antibodies. This is absolutely fake news by the government. Yet, the government intends to monitor what it claims to be disinformation if it has its way.
Are COVID-19 vaccines safe?
"Medical experts at the TGA continuously check all vaccines to make sure they are safe. Vaccines are only approved for use in Australia after they have been assessed to show that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh any risks."
"Millions of people around the world have now had COVID-19 vaccines, giving us real evidence and data that support using the vaccines."
Yes, millions have been injected, and according to the V-safe data in the U.S. and the excess mortality in many countries, including Australia, it's estimated that up to 13 million worldwide have died directly from the effects of the COVID-19 shots. In his latest substack post , Steve Kirsch summarizes why these shots are dangerous and should be ceased.
Are COVID-19 vaccines effective?
"All vaccines approved for use in Australia are effective at stopping people from becoming very sick if they catch COVID-19."
This is so incredible. I have had several patients who received multiple COVID-19 shots and then got extremely sick with COVID-19; in one case, this person ended up in a foreign hospital. This person still has ongoing symptoms of Long Covid––or is it Long Vax. As you can imagine, this person is angry about the deception.
Do people who have had COVID-19 and recovered need to get vaccinated?
"People who have had COVID-19 and recovered should still be vaccinated."
There needs to be more recognition of natural immunity and the unscientific nature of what the health departments are pushing. They actually think people are stupid. MRna viruses are rapidly mutating, so even if they had some immunological impact, there is already a different strain by the time a person is exposed to COVID-19.
Do kids need to get vaccinated if they don't get severely ill from COVID-19?
"Vaccination is not recommended for all children, as many do not get severely ill from COVID-19."
"If you child has had Covid-19, you're child should still have any recommended Covid-19 doses."
"It is safe and efficient to receive your COVID-19 vaccine alongside your flu vaccine or other routine vaccinations, including those for children over 5 years old and teens. "
The recommendations for children are the most dangerous of all. They still advise that children have these genetically altered injections, which produce the toxic spike protein, not to mention the lipid nanoparticle that encases the Messenger RNA. It's a recipe for disaster, and some children's lives have been destroyed.
It is irresponsible for so-called health departments to promote this stuff, and to what end. Society has lost its way when we can blatantly and without retrospection keep injecting people with an unsafe product, and that fails to do what the public was told it would do. That is a rationale for criminal prosecution; however, it seems we live in an age where criminals are absolved of responsibility and innocent victims are labeled as criminals. I don't see any signs that justice is on the horizon.
Yes, and with maximum penalties.
They certainly should be along with big pharma and not forgetting Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci!