The previous post had repeat paragraphs: this is the correct one.
America has always been a country with a certain amount of polarization. Left-right, liberal-conservative, and socialist-capitalism have been the descriptive states of the country. This is evident in the political structure, where third-party candidates have rarely made inroads on the political scene. It’s not like many other countries where coalitions are formed with minor parties to govern.
Sometimes, the divisions are not so distinct, and the country has some socialist policies and in other areas, the free market reigns unrestrained.
Today, the battle is being waged between the forces wanting to dismantle America’s traditional value system based on the Judeo-Christian ethos of morality, law, and order, freedom of expression, and a free market system and those who want to turn America into a socialist, open-borders, globalist entity where meritocracy no longer matters. It’s wealth creation versus wealth distribution. It’s pro-family versus anti-family values.
Into the milieu of cultural warfare comes a significant assault on the economic and social fabric of America, which threatens to spill over to the rest of the West if it hasn’t already. If America goes, what hope is there for the rest?
Several stories indicate what is at stake.
One of the policies that is guaranteed to destroy a country is what it does with its borders. European countries such as Britain, France, Belgium, and Sweden are suffering the consequences of importing people illegally who are, for the most part, coming from war-torn and autocratic societies with totally different value systems.
America, especially under the Biden-Harris regime, has made a mockery of the U.S. border, despite Kamala Harris’ contention that she is tough on the border issue––absolute nonsense. This policy of importing millions of illegals just in the past three years is adversely affecting America.
Migrant Accused of Coney Island Rape Was Freed into U.S. via Biden-Harris Parole Pipeline
In the U.S. today, if you confess to a rape, you can be released only to do it again. What is just as insane are the sanctuary cities, which encourage illegals because they won’t report their presence to the immigration department. In some respects, illegals are afforded greater rights than American citizens or those who try to immigrate legally.
The question I have of these champions of open borders is, how many illegals do they want; 5 million, 100 million, a billion, or perhaps the eight billion people on the planet.
Gavin Newsom to Decide After CA Democrats Pass $150,000 Home Loans for Illegal Aliens
Governor Gavin Newsom isn't concerned about people urinating and defecating on the streets of places like LA or San Francisco; his priority, along with his extremist Democrats in California, is to make sure illegals can get a home loan up to $150,000 courtesy of guess who? The dopey taxpayers of California who elect these socialists into office. They are 'elitists' who believe in wealth distribution, making everyone poorer except themselves. They are privileged and lecture others about privilege.
Illegals bring their criminality with them, killing and maiming Americans and dealing drugs like fentanyl, which is killing at least 100,000 a year. America is importing gangs like MS-13 , who do random shootings, or others who kill many innocent Americans, like this upstanding person in Texas who killed five.
Intertwined with the illegal border invasion is the effect on the economy. Housing these people, giving them cash handouts to buy a house, free healthcare, driver's licenses, and phones are all a drain on the U.S. economy, with debt now at record levels.
Biden and Harris keep blaming Trump for high inflation and gas prices, which is farcical. As soon as Biden came to office in January 2021, he set in motion strategies guaranteed to increase inflation. Endless Money printing, restricting the oil and gas industry, and encouraging the Ukraine-Russia War have created ongoing inflationary pressures.
According to the Bureau of Labour statistics, gasoline prices have risen 50% since January 2021. The average U.S. gas price is $3.36. This is still significantly higher than the average price when former President Donald Trump left office. A January 19, 2021, AAA press release identified the day's average price of gasoline as $2.38. Three and a half years later, the average gas price is still nearly $1.00 more than when Trump left office.
People must ask themselves, who has been running the country for the past three and a half years? It's not Trump. Building on the disastrous Bidenomics, the economically illiterate Harris would bring in what is described as Tax Armageddon, which would include trillions in tax increases and going on the attack against corporations for 'gouging'.Her socialistic solution is price controls, which have never worked. All that does is stagnate the economy as companies shed jobs to keep themselves profitable.
Other social ills have created a chasm in American society; the abortion issue, transgenderism with men in women's sports, and the debacle of the Covid tyranny clearly supported by the left.
Suppose Kamala Harris, as bad as she is, wins the election. In that case, I don't think America will ever return from the abyss. The world will remain on fire, socialism will filter into every American institution, and the Republican Party will wither on the vine because, with the continued influx of migrants becoming future voters, the Democrat socialists will have a permanent overwhelming voter base.
It's imperative that despite people's perception of Trump as an overbearing narcissist, he must win the election in November; otherwise, it's welcome to socialist America.
There are those looking forward to killing these things, with absolutely no remorse. In fact,I’ll be Proud to take these animals out. In fact, I will have no feeling whatsoever, versus when I kill an animal for food. In fact, my heart breaks with every death of every animal I kill, and literally give thanks for their gift to me, as a source of food. Those less than human cretins coming across our border, I have no feeling for them whatsoever. And so yes, it will be easier to put a hole in them, and let them rot, than it would be to take game, and lose it. Y’all got a problem with this? Sucks to be you.
The truth is sometimes hard to accept, but still the truth!!