When I came to Australia in 1980, the land down under was a wonderful contrast to the frigidness of the Canadian winters. Australia was also where everyone was given a 'fair go'. Over the years, I enjoyed the lifestyle, living close to the ocean and the outdoor, sunshine-filled days of Western Australia. Then, five years ago, things changed, and the Australia I knew and loved became, at times, unrecognizable. Of course, COVID changed us, along with so many countries in the West.
The day before Australia Day, my wife and I were having coffee with Serbian friends who are avid Novak Djokovic fans. They told us about Djokovic's philanthropic endeavours and how he assists his fellow Serbs back home. They also see him comporting himself in a gentlemanly manner. I don't really follow tennis, but one thing I do know is that Australia has been shameful in its treatment of the tennis great.
At the recent Australian Open, Djokovic was booed by the fans because he had to withdraw from his semifinal match due to a muscle tear.
Injured Novak Djokovic Booed After He Quits Semifinal at Australian Open: 'I Did Everything I Possibly Could'
This was not Djokovic's first time having animosity hurled at him in Australia. I was reminded of this when Steve Kirsch, an anti-COVID 'vaccine' campaigner, revisited the time with a post on Australia Day. It concerned Djokovic refusing to take the COVID shots in 2022. He came to Australia because the Australian Tennis Association had given him an exemption and approved his entry because he stated he had COVID and didn't want to subject his body to the shot.
When he arrived in Australia, he was detained for not being vaccinated. He was put into a refugee hotel to be isolated as he was deemed "a danger to the community". It was nonsense and demeaning; if I had been Djokovic, I would have boycotted Australia, never to return.
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, supposedly a conservative, welcomed "the decision to keep our borders strong and keep Australians safe".
This situation speaks to a more significant problem: Australia descended into a tyrannical state with the advent of COVID-19. The government and its health department allies behaved abysmally, and they were wrong on all counts. Those of us who refused to subject ourselves to the Orwellian measures were correct.
The government of Alberta commissioned a report on that province's COVID-19 pandemic response.
These were their primary findings:
Severe COVID-19 primarily affected the elderly with commorbidities.
Those under 18 had a very low risk of severe illness from COVID-19.
The vaccines were not designed to halt transmission of the virus.
Reports of deaths and injuries attributed to the vaccines, including myocarditis, were identified.
The Pfizer three-month post-authorization trial revealed 1223 deaths attributed to the vaccine.
The Task Force recommended halting the vaccines without full disclosure of the risks.
There are many other conclusions relating to masking, lockdowns and treatments.
The report confirms that Djokovich was smart to avoid the COVID shots. He was right, and all the health experts, government bureaucrats, and so-called leaders were wrong. They failed us in the most reprehensible way. It's not a stretch to say that these leaders have blood on their hands.
Australia's movement towards abrogation of its sovereignty continues on other fronts. The two major parties are on the same page concerning globalism. The leader of the Liberal/National Coalition, which is meant to be a conservative group, has indicated that he will keep Australia in the Paris Climate Accord. We have no leader on the horizon who is remotely charismatic or enthusiastic to push an Australia First policy, similar to what Donald Trump has ushered in since his election victory.
Australia has also been shameful in its lack of response to rampant antisemitism that has reared its ugly head, particularly in Sydney and Melbourne. Synagogues and Jewish schools are continually under threat. Pronouncements by leaders that "This is not Australia" are meaningless. No, it actually is today's Australia. They speak out of both sides of their mouths because then they tell us they are concerned about Islamophobia.
The problem in Australia is the government leadership. Instead of pursuing freedom and rational policies, Australia is descending into irrational dictatorial policies. Without a First Amendment, the federal government has overwhelming power options if it sees fit to control our freedoms.
The actions against Dokjovich are a symptom of the deterioration of Australian values. The big danger is the loss of liberty as they push for Net Zero, a digital currency, and further use of dictatorial mandates. Thank you to Djokovic for standing up for his principles.
Australia, New Zealand and Canada are under WEF Control. You can find which leader is a WEF "Young Global Leader" at www.maloneinstitute.org Gavin Newsom and Justin Trudeau were made YGLs in Davos in 2008.
I absolutely agree. I am disgusted at the treatment of those who “chose” not to vaccinate. I won’t allow people to call me an antivaxxer . I respond that I am “pro choice”. They now don’t comment unlike 3 years ago.
How many people have we seen die suddenly or get diagnosed with turbo cancers. Can’t believe how bewildered people are about why this is happening.