Recently, two judgments have been made against employers for the Orwellian vaccine mandates. The first one was against Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan.
Michigan jury awards millions to a woman fired after refusing to get a COVID-19 vaccine
So, the woman who had been an employee for 30 years received a $12 million award because the company had failed to give her a religious exemption. What about an exemption because it is common knowledge that the vaccines were unsafe?
In another related story, a Tennessee woman received $687,000 from Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance in her state.
Tennessee woman awarded nearly $700K after being fired for refusing COVID-19 vaccine requirement
Though the Michigan payout was less, the pattern was the same: a payout based on religious grounds and the insurance company's failure to accept an exemption.
Though what happened to these women was bad enough, what about those who have been vaccine-injured? Losing a job is no fun, but suffering injury or death, which can impact the lives of families, is a more serious consideration.
As of this year, the total compensation doled out by the Australian government has been $32 million under the Vaccine Claims Scheme, which has now been closed down. Most of the payouts have been pitiful, and who pays? We taxpayers do. The government keeps pushing the idea that adverse events are rare. It's fantastic because I know of five people who got myocarditis; so much for rare.
In their statement, the government keeps the lie going:
"Health authorities acknowledged that COVID-19 vaccines, like all others, had potential rare but serious side effects but urged Australians to get vaccinated to protect those vulnerable to the disease in the community."
As of April 2023, the payouts totaled a combined $5000 in the U.S. for 8,000 people who had submitted claims under the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program. That's pretty meager.
So, where is the real justice? People are saying that Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci should go to jail for promoting mass vaccination. Why stop there? How many politicians berated those who refused the vaccines: state leaders, Prime Ministers, Presidents; how long is a piece of string? While Trump didn't commit a crime, he continued to push the false narrative about Operation Warp Speed being a great achievement.
There is a complete perversion of justice. Those vaccine-injured have been paid a pittance. Many lives have been lost, including those of children from receiving the injections. How much is a child's life worth?
The vaccine companies created and distributed a fake product known to cause damage, yet they get off without any responsibility or financial liability. When is a lawsuit going to take place so that people who have been seriously damaged–and there have been many–get compensated? The vaccine companies committed fraud; they misled government bodies right from the get-go in the clinical trials, as revealed in the Pfizer Papers.
Never before has an experimental medical product been widely distributed to billions. There was no government oversight, not by the FDA, CDC, or Australia's TGA. In fact, in 2021, the head of the CDC stated that the vaccines don't prevent infection or the spread of COVID-19. To this day, they continue to push these 'vaccines,' which don't do what they said they do and, in fact, cause sickness and disease.
Will anyone in the Trump administration step up and create a serious commission of inquiry and have the Justice Department lay charges against the perpetrators of such a travesty? Trump has the opportunity to make history by doing what the courts are unlikely to do. If RFK Jr. is indeed going to 'Make America Healthy Again,' Trump has to allow him to go where the evidence takes him. If the government takes action, then the lawsuits will begin.
Crimes against humanity have been committed. We'll know soon enough, one way or the other, if the vaccine-injured will get justice.